Saturday, April 5, 2008

Rolling over and reflux

David rolled over from his stomach to his back for the first time a couple of days ago. A complete fluke, probably, but he did it. I think he hates being on his belly so much that he used whatever strength he had to get off it. The little stinker has been struggling with my mom while I'm at work. He cries and screams so much that it makes me feel guilty. I've resolved not to call while I'm at work. It's much easier on my emotions.
In a previous post, I wrote that David slept for five hours. Not so much anymore. I think he was having reflux because everytime I'd set him down to sleep, he'd wake up an hour later, screaming like he was in pain. We went and saw his pediatrician, Dr. O'Mara (I like her so far) and she prescribed Zantac for him. Seriously, though, couldn't they make the medication taste like bubble gum like all the others? He hates it, but so far, it seems to be working.
In other news, Billy should be getting home soon! Yea! Due to security reasons (he isn't able to tell me when on the phone or e-mail), I don't know the exact day, but he told me one of his fellow marines stationed here in Utah will get a hold of me to let me know.


Downs Family said...

That is SO Great that he will be coming home soon. David is adorable as always!

The Waldron Family said...

Yeah David rolling over!! Ahh the quiet easy baby stage is almost over (sorry Loli), he will be into everything soon! Just in time for Billy to come home! I can't wait for the proud papa to come home and see his great work! O and finally meet him.

Kym + Marco said...

He is beautiful Lolinda!! I'm so glad your hubby will be home soon (I didn't even know he was gone- I guess that goes to show how out of the loop I am). LDS is fine, quiet but fine. We miss all you guys-it's not the same without you!

The Buckley's said...

Hey Loli!
David does look a bit annoyed to be on his tummy, but very cute too! Ahh, soon he'll be rocking on his hands and knees...thats the cutest! I'm so happy that the Zantac is helping...poor little guy. Take care! Hopefully we'll be seeing each other on mondays!!!

Rachel said...

So glad Billy will be home soon - yippee!!! I had the same problems with Spencer waking up screaming. Unfortunately his dr. insisted everything was fine so we all had to suffer through it. At least now I know better for next time. That's great the Zantac is working, even if it tastes awful!

The Lilly's said...

I am so thrilled for you to know Billy will be home soon. I can't imagine how awesome it will be for him to get his hands on that baby!

Brett & Honnelore said...

I am so happy for you that Billy will be home soon. That is great news. David is doing great to roll over already. He needs to give Elyse some lessons. But maybe boys are a little more adventurous than girls. Keep in touch.