Thursday, April 16, 2009


Easter this year wasn't the greatest. I had the grouchiest baby in the world. I was unable to take any pictures of him hunting for eggs because he was clinging to me the whole time. When the hunt started, I helped him place his hand on the eggs. He would then grab the egg and throw, not place, them in his bucket. Good thing they were boiled. It was actually pretty funny. After that, it was more grumpy time! The times he was actually being cute were when my camera or camcorder would not work. So, unfortunately, I have no pictures or videos of Easter 2009.

I guess I can't blame him too much for being so grouchy. He had gone out and petted my niece's dog and then he ended up with hives. I gave him some Benadryl right before the hunt, so he must have been pretty sleepy. A sleepy David makes for a grumpy David! Boy, do I never want to deal with that again!

So, that was the second time David got hives from touching a dog and I'm afraid he's allergic to dogs. This is very sad news for Billy because there are no words to describe his love for dogs. It's also sad for David because he also loves dogs. Maybe it's just coincidence, though. We'll see.

1 comment:

Silvia said...

oh wow what a sad allergy!!! poor David. I hope next year Easter will be better for him :)