Monday, November 3, 2008

Puppy Love

We dressed David up as a puppy on halloween and at least for that day, Billy got his wish...a puppy of his own. We didn't go trick-or-treating since he's still too young to understand that part, but instead went to a barbecue at one of Billy's fellow marines's house. There, David became the greatest drummer in the world, no lessons! They had the game, Rock Band, set up and he got mad at me if I tried to help him out with the drumming. I guess he's starting to show his independent streak...sigh.
In other news, we decided to have Billy reenlist. There are numerous reasons why we made this decision and who knows if it's the right choice, but many signs pointed toward that decision. It's scary and hard for me to think that he'll be deployed again, but I'm sure we'll be able to get through it. It's just another 8 years, right?


The Lilly's said...

What a cute little puppy, he looks adorable! I can't imagine having to make such a hard decision about the reenlisting, but it sounds like you guys went with your gut instincts which is important. If you ever need help with babysitting, please ask!!

The Buckley's said...

I love the puppy costume! Its even cutier because he's crawling! It must have been hard to make the decision for him to reenlist but I'm sure it will be better in the long run...all those great retirement benefits!! You know we're always here if you guys need anything!

Rachel said...

Wow, you guys are brave to re-enlist. I hope it works out to be the right decision for you!

David looks so, so cute as a puppy. Sounds like you had a fun Halloween, even without the candy.

Kym + Marco said...

David looks so dang cute!! I can't imagine having to make that decision, kudos to both of you for being so brave!

Silvia said...

Cute costume! He's getting so big, I just can't believe it!