Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Halloween (A little late, I know)

Halloween was pretty busy for us. We flew in to Salt Lake that day from BFE. David handled the flights very well. We then had to rush somewhere to find last minute costumes and the only one we found his size was the Chewbacca costume. Unfortunately, the feet were missing, but when you wait 'til the last minute, I guess you can't be too picky. Billy and I decided to dress up, too. Billy was a skeleton or something like that and I dressed as a witch. Creative, aren't we?

David went trick or treating in Logan with his cousins, Nathan and Kaitlyn. Since the flights and everything we did that day, he was a bit tired and cranky. The first door we went to, he got a sucker. We got that sucker out and he was golden for the rest of the night. He's clutching a sucker in all of the pictures we took of him. Pretty funny. At least he wasn't cranky.

At the doors, David would yell "'ick 'eat!" He had a blast! The only person who could guess who he was right off was a gentleman dressed up as Obi Wan. Must be the force ;).


Emily said...

Loli, he is so cute! I am glad you had a fun Halloween. Hope things are going well for you. We miss you!

The Lilly's said...

David's costume is cracking me up...too cute!

Silvia said...

he looked so cute! I had no idea you were back in UT. Should've paid a visit!!! I miss you guys!

Marsha said...

I'm sure Brian would have know what he was! Glad you had a safe trip and visit.

Kym + Marco said...

I love the costume! I think you got pretty lucky considering some of the stuff I've gotten stuck with at the last minute.