Thursday, December 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, David

Yesterday, my baby turned three!  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  Of course, as an annual "celebration," he got sick again.  This time, I held off of going to the ER, but it came close.  Four days of throwing up, diarrhea and no appetite can do wonders to a mother.  He got very dehydrated, but luckily, I was able to start a make shift IV and get fluids in him...just kidding.  I do however want to give a shout out to Pedialyte and some random Pediatrician's website!

This is the first year where David really was able to enjoy opening his presents.  It was very cute watching him get very excited over every present.  He wasn't the most gracious, though, about sharing.  I guess being an only child, so far, can do that to you.  Which brings me to my other news.  I'm------wait for it-----not pregnant.  Got you going there for a minute, huh?  As I was typing though, I could hear my niece in the other room saying she had a dream that I was pregnant.  I just had to laugh!  Kids say the darndest things!

Anyway, my son had a lovely birthday yesterday, Lightning McQueen cake and all.  Unfortunately, I had my camcorder recording the festivities for Billy and forgot to take pictures.  Here are a couple of him comparing how much difference three years can make.

How did he go from this

to that?


Marsha said...

I'd say it was good clean living that made him grow so fast and well. Too bad about him being sick- yuck!

The Buckley's said...

Happy Birthday David! I can't believe he's 3! Hope he's feeling much better! I love your Joshua Tree National Forest post, Mike and I were actually talking about going there when we drove through Cali and saw bits of it! Looks beautiful! Miss you!

Laura said...

That's one cute three-year old! Happy birthday to him!

The Waldron Family said...

WOW 3 years already! Happy Birthday Big Guy! We sure miss you!