Saturday, August 27, 2011


Here are my impressions of Albany. First impression: loved it because it was green and I didn't have to drive very far to shop. First of all, let me say, that I'm not much of a shopper and I don't consider it a fun outing. If anything, it's annoying to be around crowds of shoppers and I get a little bit more stressed than I should be when I'm shopping. However, after 29 Palms when all I had nearby, was the PX (limited selection of items) and Walmart, which was a boring, 30 minute drive away (going 75 miles per hour), you can imagine how giddy I was when I drove to Target and the mall (right next to each other) and it only took 15 minutes IN traffic. I had choices and I was very ecstatic.

I'm still happy that there are stores nearby, but now I realize, Albany is central to all the fun things...once again. Basically, everyone leaves Albany to go to the more fun cities like Atlanta or down south to Florida. In 29 Palms, we were a few hours from Vegas and Southern California! Yea for long drives...not!!!

We did discover the Parks at Chehaw. There are nice little hiking and walking trails that you can explore, camping areas, and a little zoo. Plus, there's a little train that David loves.

Sadly, we didn't take too many pictures that day. It was so miserably hot, we didn't even think about it. The train ride was at the beginning of our outing, so we were able to catch that moment. How can I complain about the heat when I had lived in 100 plus heat? Well, there's the humidity factor. You walk outside and it feels like you're already sweating. The next picture epitomizes how we felt for the rest of our zoo experience.

David's favorite part about Georgia? Chuck E. Cheese. When we went, it was the first time he and I had ever experienced Chuck E. Cheese. I liked it because they had little games for his age and even a little air hockey table that David loved! Also, we went at a time when all the kids were in school, so there were only about 4 other families there. This video captures the fun time he had, especially with his dad! His giggle cracks me up. Love it!!!


Marsha said...

I laughed when I saw David's face. I love kids. You know exactly how they feel because they haven't learned to mask their emotions yet.

I still plan to visit you in Albany, even if it's boring.

RH said...

I love his little face and laugh!! You're lucky you have fun things so close to you. We're in a small college town so there's only a Walmart near by and some crazy college kids!

Rachel said...

That is pretty much adorable. I agree 100% with what Marsha said. Kids are the best at exhibiting sheer joy.

I too hope to visit you in Albany, even if there's nothing to do. Just gotta talk Ryan's boss into giving him a raise.

The Lilly's said...

Wow, I will no longer take for granted that there are 2 Targets and 2 Wal Marts within 10 minutes of my house!

Brandon and Shelley said...

Wow what a new adventure for you. I've only been to the Atlanta airport which was crazy. I would love to see other parts of Georgia. I wish you the best in settling in.