Sunday, April 13, 2008

Soaking Up the Sun

Finally! Warm sunny days! On Saturday, rather than sleeping after my shift, I went to Logan to watch my sister's rugby game. It was so nice and the Sheryl Crow song, Soak Up the Sun, was running through my head the whole day. David loved being outside. He didn't get fussy for a whole two hours! Here he is with Camilla. Look at the beautiful, blue sky! Not a cloud in sight!


The Waldron Family said...

AHHH Nice weaether! I can't wait. We will have so much fun at the park this summer with all our kids!

Rachel said...

Finally, the sun came out - YAY!!! I've been freezing for literally the last 5 months. Congrats on your non-fussy day, that's great! Sounds like David is a little sunbird!

Brett & Honnelore said...

This weather has been great. It's so nice to get outside with the kids instead of being couped up all the time. I don't know how you go have a fun Saturday without sleep. Unfortunately I wasted half my Saturday sleeping after my Friday shift. What do you do though?

The Lilly's said...

That's why I loved having a summer baby, taking him outside was the surefire way to cure his fussiness. Props for driving to Logan on no sleep!