Monday, November 15, 2010

To All Women ·

A while ago, Billy and I were talking about his upcoming deployment and the decrease in the number of men being deployed this time around.  I was so angry because while I certainly don't want this war to go on, I also didn't want my husband to be over there with fewer men to ensure that everyone got back home safe.  I was crying and ranting about the government and President Obama and why they would give us (the family of the deployed troops) added pain when there was so much pain and stress going on already.  I felt like they didn't care.  Billy just calmly listened to me rant and rave, which was maddening in and of itself.  I went to sleep and woke up renewed the next day (nothing like a good cry).  I felt that I'd gotten all of that off my chest and didn't think anymore about it.  After all, it was just typical pre-deployment anxiety.  Then, a couple of weeks ago, I got this speech in my email.  Very heartening.  Thank you to the First Lady.  It helps to know that you care.   

First Lady Michelle Obama Speech Womens Conference Full Text ·

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Wow Lo, I would have to count myself as one who was-and still am for the most part-ignorant of all the challenges military families face! I am so glad you posted this.