Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Little Maan

Sorry, but I give up on the 30 days. Felt too much like homework that I was not enjoying. Yes, I know, I'm a big slacker.

No, I didn't spell man wrong. It's just the way David says it. Funny story. I have on occassion called my son, Little Man. Probably, at times when I'm frustrated with him because now he has taken to calling me and anyone around Little Maan when he's frustrated with them. For example, when I yell at him for the millionth time to pick up his toys, he'll turn around and say, "No, Little Maan!" Or if his best friend, Emma doesn't play games he wants to play, he'll say, "Come on, Little Maan!" It's so stinkin' cute!

He knows the difference between boys and girls so I've taught him that man and woman are just bigger versions of boy and girl. So, he'll call me Little Maan, I mean Big Maan, I mean, Big Woman. I try not to take offense at that...

1 comment:

Marsha said...

Big Womaan! Definitely wouldn't take it personally.

I miss your 30 days posts, but it did seem like a lot of work.